Since 1919, the OBA has been the place where Amsterdammers come for their personal development. Whereas in the 20th century this was mainly done with books in libraries, the 21st century requires more forms of learning and a wider range. The challenge for us is to ensure that all Amsterdammers can participate in the information society and that no one is left behind.
The OBA is committed to an Amsterdam where everyone has equal opportunities. The OBA offers opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills, to actively participate in social life, to develop talents, in short: to enrich your life.
That is why the OBA is always nearby, easily accessible and relevant for all Amsterdammers. A stimulating and vibrant place, where the many languages and cultures of the city come together, where there is room to learn skills of the 21st century, with attention to social themes such as health, self-reliance and sustainability.
The OBA also wants to be the place of the city to meet, not only in the center, but also in the neighborhoods. We achieve this in collaboration with Amsterdam initiatives and organizations. By sharing our physical and digital spaces with them, a safe, attractive, knowledge-rich public environment is created in all neighborhoods of the city. From, for and by the residents.