Shadow Child
After the death of his little girl, P.F. Thomese found himself in deathly silent rooms, among words not yet experienced that he still had to learn to write.’If she still exists anywhere, then it’s in language.’
Shadow Child is the moving story of this search for words. It is a breath-taking tribute to a deceased daughter, at once a declaration of love, elegy and self-examination. An entire life is turned upside down, its meaning has to be reinvented.
SAM GARRETT has translated some 50 novels and works of nonfiction. He has won prizes and appeared on shortlists for some of the world’s most prestigious literary awards, and is the only translator to have twice won the British Society of Authors’ Vondel Prize for Dutch-English translation.
SAM GARRETT has translated some 50 novels and works of nonfiction. He has won prizes and appeared on shortlists for some of the world’s most prestigious literary awards, and is the only translator to have twice won the British Society of Authors’ Vondel Prize for Dutch-English translation.