2004 Winner
Translated by
Linda Coverdale
Nominated by
Oslo Public Library (Deichman)
Anita Desai
Anita Desai
Eugene R. Sullivan (non-voting chair)
Eugene R. Sullivan (non-voting chair)
John Quinn
John Quinn
Knut Ødegård
Knut Ødegård
Michèle Roberts
Michèle Roberts
Shirley Geok-Lin Lim
Shirley Geok-Lin Lim
Bergen Public Library is Norway’s second largest public library. The current institution was established in 1872, but builds on much older library traditions in the..
The Bibliothèques municipales de Genève is a network of 7 libraries and a mobile library service with 4 vehicles.he BMs are a service of the..
Since first opening our doors in 1873, we’ve served all Chicagoans with free and open places to gather, learn, connect, read and be transformed.
South Africa
The main library – the Johannesburg Public Library – has over 1.5-million books in its collection and more than 250 000 members.
The mission of the Free Library of Philadelphia is to advance literacy, guide learning, and inspire curiosity. Its vision is to build an enlightened community..
We inspire people to become engaged and active in a city globally renowned for culture and sport.
Halifax Public Libraries (HPL) is a Canadian public library system serving residents of Halifax, Nova Scotia. It is the largest public library system in Nova..
Hartford Public Library provides free resources that inspire reading, guide learning, and encourage individual exploration.
Oodi is one of 37 branches of Helsinki City Library and part of the Helmet library network. Oodi’s lending collection is mostly located on the..
The Houston Public Library system serves the City’s culturally diverse community by offering a broad program of free educational, informational and recreational activities through a..
The Kansas City Public Library is a doorway to knowledge for all people in our community.
The Katona József Library launched the Bács-Kiskun County Library Supply Service (BKSZ) in 2005.
The Leipziger Städtische Bibliotheken (LSB) are an important part of the city’s cultural and educational landscape and provide centres for communication and information, reading promotion..
The new library made its grand opening to the public on February 21, 1977 with a collection of over 250,000 volumes. The building was noted..
Serves a population of over 2.5 million; Welcomes over 6.7 million visitors per year; Has 50 branches, 2 bookmobiles and 1 technobus. Plus, 2 YOUMake..
Minneapolis Public Library was founded in 1885 and opened in the city’s first public library building on 10th Street and Hennepin Avenue in 1889. In..
Muntpunt is full of stories, of people, of Brussels. Of questions and answers, of wonder and curiosity. But boxes, we have no place for that.
“The New York Public Library has provided essential access to books and information for more than a century. Today, we are building on that legacy..
Deichman consists of 22 local libraries located all over Oslo. Deichman was founded in 1785 and is Norway’s oldest and largest public library. Oslo’s new..
OPL’s vision is to build community and transform lives; our mission is to inspire learning, spark curiosity, and connect people; our core values are Community,..
Czech Republic
The operation of a regional library with a supra-local function providing a specialist activities service to the county’s network of public libraries. Offering a comprehensive..
Awarded the National Medal in 2017 by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Richland Library is a vibrant, contemporary organization that provides resources and..
San José Public Library (SJPL), located in Silicon Valley, is the largest public library system between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Stadtbüchereien Düsseldorf nominated the 2023 Dublin Literary Award winner, Marzahn, Mon Amour, by Katja Oskamp, translated by Jo Heinrich and published by Pereine Press
The State Library of South Australia, or SLSA, formerly known as the Public Library of South Australia, located on North Terrace, Adelaide, is the official..
Tampere City Library offers spaces and collections for information, education and refreshment. At the library you can read and borrow, visit events, meet friends or..
The University and State Library of Bonn (ULB Bonn) is the central university and archive library of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. The University and State..
The Central Public Library of Veria provides services for education, information and entertainment which contribute to the improvement of the quality of living. We develop..
Waterford Libraries has 12 public branches spread throughout Waterford City and County, with a centrally located headquarters on the outskirts of Waterford City. Our libraries..
The Marshal Józef Piłsudski Provincial Public Library is an institution with a pedigree dating back to 1917.
Aberdeen Library & Information ServicesAuckland Council LibrariesBelfast Education and Library BoardBergen Offentlige BibliotekBiblioteca Central Rubén Martínez VillenaBiblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas of El Colegio de MéxicoBiblioteca Demonstrativa Maria da Conceição Moreira SallesBiblioteca Luis Ángel ArangoBiblioteca Municipal Central de LisboaBiblioteca Publica No. 1″ Santiago Severin” de ValparaisoBiblioteka Publiczna M. St. Warszawy (Biblioteka Glowna Wojewodztwa Mazowieckiego)Bibliotheek Den Haag / Libraries of The HagueBibliotheek UtrechtBibliothèque Municipale de LilleBibliotheque Municipale de MontpellierBibliothèque Municipale de NiceBibliothèque Municipale de StrasbourgBibliothèques MunicipalesBibliothèques Municipales GenèveBirmingham LibrariesBorgarbókasafn Reykjavíkur / Reykjavík City LibraryCape Breton Regional LibraryChicago Public LibraryChristchurch City Libraries Ngā Kete Wānanga o ŌtautahiCity of Cape Town Library and information ServicesCity of Johannesburg Library & Information ServiceCity of Johannesburg Library & Information ServicesColombo Public LibraryCopenhagen Central LibraryCork City Librariesde Bib Leuven TweebronnenDenver Public LibraryDistrict of Columbia Public LibraryDublin City LibrariesDunedin Public LibrariesEdmonton Public LibraryEthekwini Municipal LibraryFree Library of PhiladelphiaGhana Library BoardGlasgow Life LibraryGradska Knjiznica Rijeka / Rijeka City LibraryHalifax Public LibraryHalifax Regional LibraryHamilton-Wenham Public LibraryHartford Public LibraryHelsingin Kaupunginkirjasto / Helsinki City LibraryHelsinki City Library OodiHouston Public LibraryKansas City Public LibraryKatona József Library of Bács-Kiskun CountyKenya National Library ServiceKnjižnica Otona ŽupancicaKnjiznice Grada ZagrebaKnjiznice Grada ZagrebauLeipziger Städtische BibliothekenLeRoy Collins Leon County Public LibraryLibraries TasmaniaLincoln LibraryLiverpool Libraries & Information ServicesLondon Public LibrariesManchester LibrariesMariehamns StadsbibliotekMédiatheque Francois-Mitterrand de PoitiersMiami-Dade Public LibraryMinneapolis Public LibraryMultnomah County LibraryMünchner StadtbibliothekMunicipal Library of PragueMunicipal Public Library “Milutin Bojic”Muntpunt – Hoofdstedelijke Openbare BibliotheekNational Library and Information System AuthorityNational Library of MalaysiaNational Library Service of BarbadosNational Library Service of MalawiNew Hampshire State LibraryNew York Public LibraryNewcastle LibrariesOpenbare Bibliotheek, AmsterdamOpenbare Bibliotheek, EindhovenOpenbare Bibliotheek, RotterdamOslo Public Library (Deichman)Ottawa Public LibraryPikes Peak Library DistrictPima Public Library (Tucson)Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton CountyRegionální knihovna Karviná (Regional Library of Karviná)Richland LibraryRichmond Public LibraryRudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign LiteratureSan Francisco Public LibrarySan José Public LibrarySierra Leone Library BoardSølvberget KF – Stavanger Bibliotek og KulturhusStadtbibliothek MainzStadtbibliothek BremenStadtbibliothek HannoverStadtbücherei Frankfurt am MainStadtbüchereien DüsseldorfState Library of New South WalesState Library of QueenslandState Library of South AustraliaState Library of Western AustraliaStockholm Public LibraryTampere City LibraryThe National Library of AustraliaThe State Library of VictoriaToronto Public LibraryTshwane Library & Information ServiceUniversitäts-und Landesbibliothek BonnUniversitätsbibliothek BernVancouver Public LibraryVeria Central Public LibraryWaterford City and County LibrariesWellington Public Library Te Matapihi Ki Te Ao NuiWojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Łodzi (Jozef Pilsudski Regional and Municipal Public Library in Lodz)