It also includes books, magazines and audiovisuals that deal with Gràcia in general, when its importance so advises.
The materials you can find are basically works that refer to history, urbanism, the main entities of the neighborhood, customs and illustrious neighbors.
This collection includes historical magazines of Gràcia such as Or i Flama, Des del Nord, L’Independient de Gràcia, or more current ones such as Línia Gràcia or Camèlies.
Most of the brochures, posters and programs of the most important entities of the Vila are also kept.
The library makes available to the public numerous works on the history and functioning of the main entities and events that occur in the neighborhood.
Thus, you will find copies of the Taller d’Història de Gràcia, the Centre Moral i Instructiu de Gràcia, Els Lluïsos, the Festa Major, the Castellers de la Vila, the Escoltes de Gràcia, the Centre Artesà Tradicionarius, the Fiesta de Sant Medir, etc.
We also have books and photographic compilations on the main places, squares and historic buildings around the library, such as the Orfeó Gracienc building, the Oratory of Sant Felip Neri de Gràcia, the Casa Vicens by Antoni Gaudí, the Casa Fuster hotel or the Teatre Lliure on Montseny street, among many others.
You have a local information service on the third floor of the library with a librarian in charge of this part of the collection. Books and audiovisual materials can be consulted in the same room and most of them can be borrowed with the library card for free.