What will survive of us
Lily falls in love with Sam the minute she sets eyes on him. It takes Sam a day or two longer. Curious, because Lily – independent, headstrong, rational – has never quite believed in love; while Sam – confident, passionate, romantic – thought he understood it inside out. Arriving in mid-life, their relationship opens unexpected new worlds and, for Lily, offers her a surprising form of liberation. But what will happen to them when familiarity, illness and age begin to take their toll? What will survive? What Will Survive of Us reveals what is left of us when we strip away every layer.
5 library members borrowed the novel in the last two months. What will happen with the love and desire between the 2 protagonists when illness and age take their toll ? Will it be as in the poem ‘An Arundel tomb’ by Philip Larkin ‘Our almost-instinct almost true what will survive of us is love’ ?