2009 Shortlist
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
At a café table in Lahore, a Pakistani man converses with a stranger. He begins the tale that has brought him to this fateful meeting…
Among the brightest of his graduating class at Princeton, Changez is snapped up by an elite firm and thrives in New York. His infatuation with fragile Erica promises entrée into Manhattan society. For a time, it seems as though nothing will stand in the way of his rise. But in the wake of September 11, he finds his position in the city he loves overturned, and his budding relationship with Erica eclipsed by the reawakened ghosts of her past. Changez’s own identity is in seismic shift as well, unearthing allegiances more fundamental than money, power, and even love.
Date published
Pakistan, United Kingdom
Original Language
Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
Nominating Library
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn - Germany,
Cleveland Public Library - USA,
Bibliotheek Gent: De Krook - Belgium,
Cape Breton Regional Library - Canada,
Dublin City Libraries - Ireland,
Stockholm Public Library - Sweden,
Library of Birmingham - United Kingdom,
de Bib Leuven Tweebronnen - Belgium