The Only Witness to Beauty
The Only Witness to Beauty is an intriguing love story that unfolds in an identifiable Zagreb setting, with short episodes set on the exotic island of Malta. The hero is a forty-year-old in love with a mysterious young woman. Unusually sensitive characters, torn by emotions that overwhelm them, try to bond the fragments of their innermost feelings. Toying with truth and lies, this novel also toys with various story-telling perspectives, offering the reader memorable enjoyment. (From Publisher)
H. Kay-Antoljak
Nina H. Kay-Antoljak is an Australian living in Zagreb, Croatia, who did field translations for U.S. officials interviewing Bosnian war victims.
Nina H. Kay-Antoljak is an Australian living in Zagreb, Croatia, who did field translations for U.S. officials interviewing Bosnian war victims.
This is a very intriguing love story with elements of a thriller, taking place in various Croatian locations and exotic Malta. It is a novel of emotional loss, love, loneliness and literature. Literature is as important as life itself. The author said he wrote a novel to glorify the exceptional reader. Even if it were only one reader, The Only Witness to Beauty. The Only Witness to Beauty is a mixture of love story, thriller, reality and fantasy, the writer’s complement to literature and to the reader.