The Milk Chicken Bomb
The kid sells lemonade. Not a lot of people buy lemonade, especially now that it’s winter, but the kid makes good lemonade, even if his friend Mullen thinks it ought to be sweeter.
They don’t talk much with the other ten-year-olds — most of the others are Dead Kids anyway. Except for Jenny Tierney, but she’s busy breaking kids’ faces with her math book. Besides, the Russians from the meat-packing plant are a lot cooler, and they always win at curling.
But in small-town Alberta, there are just too many roman-candle fights, bonspiels, retaliatory river diversions, black-market submarines, exploding boilers, meat-packing-plant suicides and recess-time lightning strikes for one lonely kid to get any attention. He might as well go to Kazakhstan. Then the adults in his life start disappearing down tunnels and into rendering vats. Being ten is hard enough without all that, especially when your best friend is ruining the lemonade.
But the Milk Chicken Bomb should change everything.
In small town Alberta the ten year old narrator of this story, known only as “the kid”, spends time with his friend Mullen hanging out and selling lemonade. They soon realize that shady things are happening in town such as strange disappearances and the discovery of underground tunnels. The boys carry on their wild adventures and prepare to save the day with their mythical milk chicken bomb.