The Life of Hunger
In a disused lighthouse on the Devon coast lives Peter Straker, a recluse who, in his dreams, is visited by an oddly disparate group of people from a grandmother to a teenager. But they have all been dead for 24 years – and Straker thinks he killed them
Many years ago, newly-married Imogen Doody`s husband went to work one day and never came back, leaving her angry at life and other people. Now Imogen has inherited a cottage near Straker`s lighthouse, a piece of good fortune she badly needs. But the cottage is falling down, and she needs help restoring it…
Shaun Whiteside is a literary translator. Originally from Northern Ireland, he graduated with a First in Modern Languages from King’s College, Cambridge, and translates from German, French, Italian and Dutch, having previously worked as a business journalist and television producer.
Shaun Whiteside is a literary translator. Originally from Northern Ireland, he graduated with a First in Modern Languages from King’s College, Cambridge, and translates from German, French, Italian and Dutch, having previously worked as a business journalist and television producer.