The Bridge Troll Murders
They say a railroad is little more than a small town that stretches a thousand miles along a single winding iron thread. And as in any small town, gossip travels up and down the rail so fast it might as well be a telephone party line. So when a local boy turns up dead sixty miles down the track under a bridge marked as a safe hobo camp, it quickly becomes Hook Runyon’s job to find out what happened before it hits the headlines of the local newspapers. The rail yard bull is dealing with the constraints of a new office job and the presence of a young aspiring criminologist from Back East, a mixture ripe for all hell breaking loose.
The Bridge Troll Murders won the 2018 Oklahoma Book Award for fiction. In this latest book of the Hook Runyon series, Russell weaves an intriguing tale of suspense as Sheriff Runyon attempts to unravel the mystery surrounding a local runaway’s death, whose body was discovered along the train tracks, under a bridge marked ‘safe for hobos’.