In the time it takes a bullet to travel through her left ear and into the back wall of the Ellis Street donut store, Lena – star of the stand-up comedy circuit – has a revelation. Mainly that she has never found comedy particularly funny…
Meet Lena Domanski, daughter of Polish immigrants, professional funny woman. Her brother spends his days in a deserted hangar, building satellites out of scrap metal. Her sister is a startling beauty of six foot two who stuffs dead animals for a living. Her father has founded a restaurant chain serving the cuisine of a country he despises. Her mother is making a small fortune out of peddling false eyelashes. But what about Lena?
Lena Domanski is leaving it all behind. Trading punchlines for snapshots, she makes for Alaska – where she meets a mysterious tracker and a speechless child, and discovers that loss can sometimes be gain.