Natural Flights of the Human Mind
In a disused lighthouse on the Devon coast lives Peter Straker, a recluse who, in his dreams, is visited by an oddly disparate group of people from a grandmother to a teenager. But they have all been dead for 24 years – and Straker thinks he killed them
Many years ago, newly-married Imogen Doody`s husband went to work one day and never came back, leaving her angry at life and other people. Now Imogen has inherited a cottage near Straker`s lighthouse, a piece of good fortune she badly needs. But the cottage is falling down, and she needs help restoring it…
Guilt, emotional bruising and a Tiger Moth plane lie at the heart of this story of two misfits. Related with infectious warmth and wit, it is a testament to the essential goodness and resilience of the human spirit.
Peter Straker and Imogen Doody are both survivors of separate disasters which happened twenty four years previously and for which they blames themselves and other people. This very odd and unglamorous couple, each of whom has rebuilt their lives after a fashion and in a very limited way, meet and slowly reveal themselves to the reader and to each other. Gradually coming to terms with the past, they return to the world. Set in England on the Devon coast, this is warming tale about relationships and redemption.