Lake Success
Barry Cohen, master of the universe, has just had a very public meltdown involving a dinner party, an insider trading investigation and a $30,000 bottle of Japanese whisky. So he flees New York City, leaving behind his beautiful young wife and son, but remembering to bring his six favourite designer watches. Zig-zagging south through Trump’s America on a Greyhound Bus pilgrimage he is singularly unprepared for, Barry heads to Texas – to find his old college girlfriend and, with her, a shot at a second chance…
The author traces the rise and fall of a Manhattan hedge-fund manager. This portrait of Barry Cohen, whose idea of making the world a better place, is buying a Rolex for every impoverished child, reflects the state of Trump’s America. This is a country desperately trying to be happy and failing in the attempt. With sharp criticism of racism, corruption and human disrespect, this novel takes a strong moral stance.
Universitätsbibliothek Bern, Switzerland
It had nearly the same appeal to me as Jonathan Coe’s book: who are the Americans these days? What is the future of a nation so polarized?
Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn, Germany