I Am No One
Jeremy O’Keefe, a middle-aged Professor, returns to his native New York after a decade teaching at Oxford, and quickly settles into a lonely rhythm of unfulfilling lectures and long, silent evenings.
His quiet world is suddenly shaken by a series of encounters with a strange young man who presumes an acquaintance, and the arrival of three mysterious packages. And when a haunting figure starts to linger outside his apartment at night, his chilling conviction that he is being watched is seemingly confirmed. As Jeremy’s grip on reality shifts and turns, he fears that he will never know whether he can believe his experiences, or whether his mind is in the grip of an irrational obsession.
I Am No One explores the world of surveillance and self-censorship in our post-Snowden lives, where privacy no longer exists and our freedoms are inexorably eroded.
This is “1984” come true. Partially, at least. Patrick Flanery chillingly shows us how we are all under continuous surveillance, cleverly turning up the tension as the protagonist begins to realise what is going on. Scary and thought-provokingly persuasive that we must all be on guard as we are monitored by Big Brother. Flanery’s clear prose delights as always.