Gems in the cracks
Maggie Fitzgerald, a judge, sees a rough gem in this and other troubled youths, and implores us to look closer. But his perils seem insurmountable, and the rising tension is tempered by romance, as it climaxes in a heated murder trial, where it seems that both society and the law are also on trial.
The prosecutor contends that we are being attacked by our youths. “We pamper, spoil and protect them…. We withhold their names and conceal their faces. We nestle them in that impregnable cocoon of juvenescence…And so they hold society hostage with this mandate, this very licence we provide them to break the law.”
The defence examines the illogic and injustice, of felony murder, and the responsibility of society in the matter. Are our youths totally lost? Did we give them a maze when they asked for a map? Are they Dr. Spock’s young Frankensteins just coming home to roost?
This book is a must read. Shows how sometimes society and the law almost let us down. But there are support structures in the same society and the law meets the criteria.