Everyman’s Rules for Scientific Living
It is 1934, the Great War is long over and the next is yet to come. It is a brief time of optimism and advancement.
Amid billowing clouds of dust and information, the government “Better Farming Train” slides through the wheat fields and small towns of Australia, bringing expert advice to those living on the land.
Among the swaying cars full of cows, pigs and wheat, an unlikely love affair occurs between Robert Pettergree, a man with an unusual taste for soil, and Jean Finnegan, a talented young seamstress with a hunger for knowledge. In an atmosphere of heady scientific idealism, they marry and settle in the impoverished Mallee with the ambition of proving that a scientific approach to cultivation can transform the land.
But after seasons of failing crops, and with the threat of a new World War looming, Robert and Jean are forced to confront each other, the community they have inadvertently destroyed, and the impact of their actions on an ancient and fragile landscape.