Dreams Beyond the Shore
Seventeen-year-old Chelsea Marchand was pretty satisfied with her life. Until recently. Willing to play the dutiful daughter as her father’s bid to become Prime Minister of their island home brings her family into intense public scrutiny, Chelsea is swept along by the strong tidal wave of politics and becomes increasingly disturbed by her father’s duplicity. She finds a reprieve when she meets Kyron, a kindred spirit encased in low riding blue jeans. The two share a bond as he too struggles to get beyond his father’s shadow. But when Chelsea discovers an even darker more sinister side to her father’s world, a discovery that makes her question the man he is and the woman she wants to be, she must decide how much of her own dreams she is willing to compromise to make her father’s come true. But can she find the strength to stand up to her father and chart her own journey?
Seventeen year old Chelsea was willing to play the dutiful daughter as her father’s bid to become Prime Minister brings her family into intense public scrutiny. But when Chelsea discovers a more sinister side of her father’s world, can she find the strength to stand up to him and chart her own journey. A fascinating and stirring debut novel about growing up and accepting who you are which blends politics and romance in a heartwarming story declaring that decisions matter far more than destiny.